Tesuque Pueblo and Taos Pueblo, and Navajo/Diné Dancers (1960s) [Home Movie]

Edited home movie footage of Tesuque Pueblo/Tetsʼúgéh Ówîngeh, Taos Pueblo/ȉałopháymųp’ȍhə́othə̀olbo dancers (incl. Pat Goodnight) performing for cameraman, and Navajo/Diné (Joe Whitehoop) dancers performing.

Title: “Tesuque Pueblo” (Tetsʼúgéh Ówîngeh) on red background with a small illustration of a pueblo roofline, outside on a boulders a group of men (sə́onena -- singular) in ceremonial dress stand together with their instruments and shields, then an older white man (Gilbert Booram?) admires one of their shields; the white man now stands behind a (small-gauge film?) camera on a tripod and gestures to them; man behind the camera taking a picture of a man in full headdress; now with the cameraman out of frame, we see a series of shots of the man in the headdress drum as the other younger men with shields dance around him (sometimes pairs seem to simulate sparring); the cameraman with a still camera kneels to photograph another man in ceremonial headdress with large black feathers; shots of just the dancer in his spectacular attire, closer shot of him smiling to the camera; back to a group shot of him and other dancers performing, the headdress man from before still drumming; New Scene. Title: “Taos Pueblo” (ȉałopháymųp’ȍhə́othə̀olbo) on red background with an illustration of a pueblo, a young hoop dancer performs outside a dwelling; Title: “Pat Goodnight, brilliant young Taos dancer, does a war dance for us” on a red background with an illustration of a Pueblo dancer in ceremonial dress; a close up of Goodnight (sometimes identified as Pat Goodnight) as camera take in his attire; several shots of Goodnight dancing outside a pueblo, a final closeup; older man in full headdress (perhaps from before) beats a drum that reads “Goodnights” (Pat Goodnight had his own dancing troupe); then various shots of him while Goodnight dances; various shots Goodnight now doing the hoop dance (including a slow-motion sequence); closer shots of Goodnight catching his breath and posing; poster with an illustration of an eagle dancer which reads “Indian Ceremonial, Gallup New Mexico, The Indian Capital, August 11-12-13-14” [note: the poster is from 1960], then a closer shot of the dance which fades to a man in ceremonial dress beating a small drum (perhaps the one from a bit ago with “Goodnights” on his drum); farther away shots of him and Goodnight eagle dancing; New Scene. Title: “Presenting the outstanding Navajo dancer Joe Whitehoop in The Hoop Dance” over an illustration of Joe Whitehoop hoop dancing, desert landscape beyond; close-up shots of Whitehoop with sky behind him, then of a Navajo/Diné drumming, and then shots of the pair as Whitehoop hoop dances; shots of just him dancing (sometimes shot in slow motion).


These clips are from a longer home movie. To watch the entire film, see https://archive.org/details/55904-chimayo-rexfer